Have you ever had one of those moments that you wished you could go back in time and tell your 17-year-old self about? That happened to me recently, when I was contacted by the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, for non-Canucks, and kind of a big deal for anyone who grew up before the internet...before even widespread cable). They wanted to use my photo of free roaming bison in Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan in their upcoming feature on the Tragically Hip and how could any good Canadian Girl say no to THAT? Even if I haven't really loved anything they've done since Up To Here (ok, ok, maybe Road Apples), you'll still find a few of their tunes on my iPhone and, hey - I don't change the station when they come on the radio, and that's about as high praise as you're likely to get from this music snob. My photo is representing the song 100th Meridian, check out the feature on this truly iconic Canadian band and have a listen through the link below. You could also do worse than to check out Grasslands National Park - Saskatchewan is NOT all flat and boring (that's Manitoba).