It has been such a great experience and helped us to get out, meet people and make lots of new photography friends. The club is quite large, very active and the members have been extremely welcoming and span all levels of expertise in photography. I highly recommend it to anyone in the Greater Moncton Area, who has an interest in photography. One of the best things about the club is that the monthly contests all have 3 groups: beginner, intermediate, and advanced, so you’re always competing against photographers with a similar level of experience.

My image, of Waterton Lakes National Park in Alberta, won the 2019 Ken Dunphy Landscape Award at the Moncton Focus Camera Club.

The Ken Dunphy Award

Advanced Photographer of the Year

Best New Recruit

Second Place Merit in CAPA My Country
The Focus Club year runs from September to June, like the school year, so the year end award ceremony was a couple of weeks ago. As you can see, I brought home some bling! My image from Waterton Lakes National Park in Alberta (top of this post) won the Ken Dunphy Landscape Award. Then I won both Best New Recruit and Photographer of the Year in the advanced class. Finally, a representative from CAPA (Canadian Association For Photographic Art) was there, to present me with my 2nd place merit for photos of New Brunswick in the national competition “Our Country”. My winning image (below) will also be included in a gallery exhibit in 2020 at the National Museum of Photography in Drummondville, QC.

My image, “Cliffside Camping”, from the Hole in the Wall Campground on Grand Manan Island took 2nd place for photos of New Brunswick in the CAPA “Our Country” contest. Sadly, these amazing cliffside campsites have since been closed. I’m so thankful that we got to spend 10 glorious days there, watching whales and seals right from our campsite.
Next year, I’ll be speaking to the Focus Camera Club about Infrared and HDR photography.