There's nothing quite like a good, long road trip. For a photographer, the flexibility to follow the weather, or the wildlife, or your whimsical nature just isn't available when you book a resort vacation or even a tour of a dream location.

This tiny car has carried my partner and me (and we are NOT small people) from coast to coast and back again and to many points in between, with our 2 chihuahuas and all our stuff. We have car packing down to an art.
Going Kerouac in the 20-teens poses some challenges the “beat generation” never could have imagined. Especially for photographers, who need to stay connected and charged up at all times. As the (self-proclaimed) Queen of the Canadian road trip, here's my list of must have gear that I would never leave home without.

Joby Camera Strap

A wireless hard drive to back up images

A wifi hotspot device